Time to come alive.

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Hi there, I'm Mathilde

I want a world where people are fully alive, aware of their ability to choose, and in truthful connection with each other.

I create spaces for individuals to come back to their Essence through group facilitation, coaching sessions and Tantric Bodywork.


My wish is for you to come home to your body, tap into its wisdom and live with ease, joy and purpose.

My work revolves around becoming utterly sincere, stripping away conditioning and automatics, anchor who you really are and meet Life from that place.

I support people yearning for depth to build resilience, range and freedom to remember what they hold sacred and create the life they came here to live.


Since 2015 I have studied and practiced a variety of awareness-based modalities, such as Vipassana, the Gurdjieff Movements and meditations from the trans-himalayan tradition.

From there, my investigation has centered around Intimacy with oneself, other beings and existence. I dove into integrative practices such as Relational Meditation (Circling), Tantra, Conscious Sexuality and applied Transactional Analysis.


I am trauma informed and have completed Irene Lyon's "Smart Body Smart Mind", and in-depth course on trauma and the nervous system.

I am also a certified Tantric Bodywork practitioner and a certified Embodiment Facilitator.

I have studied for three years with teachers from the trans-himalayan tradition, namely Bruce Lyon (Highden Temple Training), Jon Darral-Rew and Taki'h Dhyandeepa Antigoni (Shamballa School, now called Avatara).

At the moment, I am completing Layla Martin's 650-hour VITA Coaching certification in Sex, Love and Relationships.


Get in touch to have a sense of how we could work together and unfold your full potential.

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